Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Holiday Pies

Modern Mince Pie

Pear and Cranberry Streusel Top Pie

Malted Walnut Pie

Texas Pecan Pie

Custard Top Pumpkin Pie

Salted Caramel Apple Pie

Well as they say, better late than never.  These are my Thanksgiving pies, but they would be just as delicious served at Christmas. All the recipes are from Bon Appetit and Saveur magazine, November issues, but some very old.
The first pie is a long standing favorite in the family, especially to my mother.  It is called Modern Mince.  It  is a combination of apples, dried fruits and spices, cooked to a thick compote, and then added to the crust.
The second pie was new for us this year, it is called Pear and Cranberry Struesel Top Pie.
The Third pie is becoming one of my new personal favorites. It is called Malted Walnut Pie. It has a graham cracker crust, coated with white chocolate and then filled with toasted walnuts and a thick malty syrup.
The fourth pie is one of my brother's favorites, it is always part of the pie selections.  It is called Texas Pecan.  Bitter sweet chocolate lines the crust before you add your pecan filling.
The fifth pie was also new this year. It is called Custard Top Pumpkin Pie.  The pumpkin filling is cooked for about 20-25 min. before gently pouring over the custard topping and completing the cooking tiime.
The sixth pie is called Salted Caramel Apple Pie.  I made it for the first time last year, but wanted a second testing to see if I could get the caramel sauce filling just right.  I think the key is to drain the apples very well, even patting them with paper towels.  That way their juices when cooking do not thin the caramel sauce, Otherwise you have a runny pie.
I hope this gives all of you some holiday inspiration!
As always, ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. I honestly don't have a favorite....but if you have a bite of the malted walnut and chase it with a bite of custard top pumpkin you are instantly transported to pie paradise!
