Friday, July 21, 2017

Plum Jam

Beautiful dark red plum jam, ready to be stored
away until the fall, when opening them brings
back the joy of summer fruit.

3 1/2 lbs. of fruit, washed and cut up into
small pieces, filling my measuring cup to 
the brim, ready to be made into jam.

From all that fruit, barely a 1/2 cup of seeds. 
One of the reasons I love Japanese plums, is that
their seeds pop right out of the fruit with out any waste
clinging to the seed. The seeds are small and you really 
get a lot of meaty fruit with each plum.
Before it comes to a rolling boil, the fruit looks
like such a vibrant dark red, and the smell fills the kitchen
with a delicious aroma!

After all these years, I just continue to use the same method
of jam making that my mom did.  The directions from 
the Sure-Jell Fruit Pectin are traditional jelly and jam 
making methods and work every time 
to produce a wonderful product.

As Always,