Saturday, September 30, 2017

Lime Juice

Add juice to ice cube tray.
Once the juice is frozen, add to marked ziploc bag.

So, you bought a big bag of limes for a party or a recipe, and 
you did not use them all?  You may find others ways to use them in recipes and such, 
but, if you are not going to use them right away, the best thing to do is squeeze them. 

Using an available ice cube, first squeeze the limes and collect their juice.  Add this to 
the empty tray.  Put in the freezer for a few hours until solid.  Remove the solid
cubes of juice, and store in a ziploc.  You now have juice available, for those times
when you want to make a cocktail or salsa, etc., but have no limes in the house. 

Marking the bag helps, especially if you also squeeze lemons.  Once the juice is frozen 
into cubes it is difficult to distinguish the difference between them. Marking the bag
helps for quick recognition.

As Always,

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