Monday, October 23, 2017

Parish Fair Bake Sale

Every year my church has a big fair, 
and what can you always find at a church fair?
A bake sale of course!

Requests are made weeks in advance for folks to make goodies
to be dropped off and sold.

I usually start my preparations for this event in the summer.
I cook up a batch of jam, sealed with pretty lids.
This year it was jam made with heirloom japanese plums.

In the box and ready to go, with its red and white baker's twine
and a pretty brown craft paper tag, are a few of the other items.
Hazelnut cookies(recipe posted Oct. 19,2015) which I make every year, since
they are one of my friend's favorites.
Chikki, my Indian Almond Sesame Brittle, and 
Sweet,Spicy and Salty mixed nuts.

There were two other boxes laden with goodies,
bownies, and berry crisp and Texas pecan pie.
Load the car and off we go!!

As Always,

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