Friday, October 26, 2018

Parish Fair 2018

Getting ready to deliver all the packaged goodies
to the fair bake sale. Homemade biscotti and brittle.

Lots of summer work, captured in lovely jars of jam, 
ready to be delivered to the church bake sale.

What a fun time, prepping all these goodies! 
Starting this summer, with preparing all kinds of different jams,
some that were rather exotic and unusual, to the last few days
of planning and baking the goodies that will be purchased at the fair.

I try to choose unique recipes, ones that will also be easily transportable,
will package well and will display well.
Every item gets a pretty tag and a ribbon or
baker's twine to decorate it. 
When an item is presented well, not only is it more likely to be purchased,
but those buying, know that care was taken in the preparation.

It always delights me knowing how much people enjoy my products,
and go out of there way to tell me that they purchased something I made.

As Always,

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