Thursday, November 8, 2018

Italian Cookie Assortment

Trader Joe's always brings in so many wonderful new items
during the holiday season. 
This package of "A Classic Selection of Cookies and Meringues"
caught my eye.
I really enjoy good Italian cookies.  I love to make them myself,
especially my favorite varieties, but they always make so many,
it is nice to just buy a few.

Inside the box, the cookies are very nicely displayed in a tray. 
The tray helps to keep the cookies from breaking, but also keeps
them from being covered in crumbs from the other cookies. 
I really appreciate the tray design, especially if you are going
to put the cookies out in a pretty fashion on a plate or platter for serving. 
I have opened bags of cookies before that have been all tumbled 
together and they are a mess to try and serve.

There are many cookie choices in our markets these days, but enjoying
something traditional from another country, even if it is very simple
is always a fun treat for me and I hope for any guest I may serve!

As Always,

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