Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Homemade Greek Yogurt

Once the milk and cultures have thickened into yogurt,

Run a knife through the mass of yogurt in a cross hatch,
it will help the whey drain out quicker.

carefully, tip the mass of yogurt into a cheesecloth lined 
colander that is resting in a large bowl.
Cover with plastic and put into the refrigerator. 
Let the whey drain for 4 hours or overnight, depending on 
the thickness of the yogurt you desire.

This yogurt drained overnight in my refrigerator.

Carefully, lift the corners of the cheese cloth, and tumble 
the mass of thickened yogurt into a clean bowl, if you are going 
to divide it into small containers, or put it directly into 
a large container and store in the refrigerator.

I divided the yogurt into 10 containers.
You can see how thick the yogurt is by 
the way it stands in each cup.

This is the whey that drained from the yogurt, 
I put it in a container for the refrigerator, to use at 
another time.

As Always,

half gallon whole milk
4 oz. organic greek yogurt
or remainder of yogurt from previous batch.

Heat milk to 190-200 degrees, stirring frequently.  Take off heat and let cool to 90-100 degrees. 
in a small bowl whisk together the yogurt and a bit of the warm milk, then add this back to the pot of warm milk.  Cover pot with lid and wrap in kitchen towels.  Place this inside of oven, or other draft free warm spot in your kitchen.  Allow to stand 10-12 hours or overnight. 
Once the milk has thickened into yogurt, take a sharp knife and cut into 4-5 rows horizontally and vertically through the yogurt.  Carefully tip this mass into the cheesecloth, colander and bowl assembly. Let stand in refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight, to desired thickness. 
Tumble thickened greek yogurt into a tub for the fridge or into individual containers.

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