Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Liver Pate'

This recipe is a family recipe, handed down
from my Uncle Tom!  I don't know how my brother
found this recipe, but I am sure glad he remembered it.
If our Uncle brought appetizers for our cocktail hour,
it was sure to include this pate', which he would whip up at home!

Having a few  condiments with vinegar and salt,
always help balance out the fatty or rich items.

Who can resist french olives! and how could you have a
cocktail hour without these!

I think my brother and his wife did 3 or 4 test runs
on the pate' until they finally got it just right.
I told my brother I thought it was even better than my
Uncle had always prepared it, but maybe my childhood memory
fails me in that area!

As Always,

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