Saturday, December 31, 2022

Apple Cake with Toffee Sauce


Cooling from the oven

Slice and serve with toffee sauce

Scatter slivered almonds and roasted apple wedges on bottom of pan.

fold remaining roasted apple pieces into the batter.

This cake was really moist, easy to serve and extra yummy, drizzled with the toffee sauce.

The recipe recommended baking at 375 degrees for 70-80 minutes.  I wonder if it was a typo, because
I ended up reducing the oven temperature since the cake was cooking too fast. As it was, I felt 
the bottom of the cake browned more that it should have and the decorative display of 
apples and almonds which should have been a pretty display, were darkened by the cooking. 

All in all this was really delicious and I will make it again.  

As Always,

Recipe Source by: Margaret M. Johnson

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